Relentless Chemical Exposure Lawyers in Orange County, CA

Chemical Exposure Attorney in Orange County

When workers handle poisonous chemicals and hazardous materials, there is always a known level of danger. When carrying out these sorts of professional responsibilities, extra precaution must be exercised because the risk can be fairly considerable. A chemical exposure attorney can assist in obtaining workers’ compensation in the event of an injury.

Immediate medical attention after chemical incident is crucial

Unfortunately, even with the tightest precaution measures in place, workplace accidents happen. This can be due to the negligence of a coworker, a sudden spill, system malfunctions, or an unexpected incident that can cause exposure to harmful chemicals. In that unfortunate event, you should consider leaving the premises and seeking immediate medical attention at the nearest medical facility in Orange County.

Consequences of chemical exposure are not always obvious

Chemical exposure of various levels can lead to a variety of injuries. When this happens, seeking medical attention immediately is absolutely crucial. If this happened during your work hours, you might be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Finally, keep in mind that exposure to chemicals or toxic agents over a longer period of time can lead to some less noticeable consequences. However, these less obvious injuries can show as soreness of the eyes, skin irritation, throat redness, and stained lungs.

Common signs of exposure to toxic substances

You could be going to work and feeling sick or having chronic issues that you would otherwise describe as allergies or flu. You need to keep track of the following common symptoms of exposure to toxic chemicals:

  • Chronic eye irritation, which can present as redness or itchiness.
  • Light sensitivity. Also, your eyes can feel tired without that much exposure to light.
  • Watery eyes. You can easily tear up and see excess watering in the eye, which is a sign that your body is trying to get rid of the airborne toxic particles.
  • Swollen eyelids. Same as above, this can be a result of prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals in the air.
  • Blurred or reduced vision. In severe cases, you can suffer from reduced vision.
  • Skin irritation to a degree, including blotchy, red, raised, and achy patches
  • Lung irritation, which can present as chronic coughing, trouble breathing, shortness of breath, pain in the lungs or burning in the abdomen
  • Dizziness, stomach pain, and feeling sick, as from food poisoning

Why opt for legal aid when filing a claim for chemical exposure

Sadly, a lot of businesses and insurance providers in Orange County and the rest of California frequently forget to check that workers have received the necessary hazmat training before assigning them and exposing them to potentially dangerous or poisonous substances. Due to their negligence, employers may be held liable in these situations for any harm brought on by the chemical exposure. It’s critical that you get medical help right away if you have sustained chemical injuries or have been exposed to related hazards.

Experienced Chemical Exposure Attorney in Orange County


What happens if a worker is exposed to harmful chemicals?

Aside from developing symptoms that can range from mild, to moderate, to severe, after the worker is evacuated from the affected area, it is vital to seek urgent medical attention. Some signs of chemical exposure might take some time to develop, so it is crucial to document every aspect of the incident. In order to claim compensation for some conditions that result from ongoing exposure, your injury attorney would need to quote medical records, so skipping the doctors’ appointment is not an option.

What are three types of chemical exposure?

There are three general ways to be exposed to chemical toxins:

  • inhalation (breathing in)
  • absorption (via skin and eye contact)
  • ingestion (through food or drink)

What is the most common type of chemical exposure?

Most workplace chemicals enter the body through inhaling of toxic particles in the contaminated area. Some substances, when in contact, can enter the skin and find their way to your bloodstream. Finally, eye canals can also be the way toxic chemicals enter your system.

How do you prove chemical exposure?

It is best to talk with a medical professional and keep medical records, and report injuries to your employer. If there are more risks at the workplace, your employer should revise existing precautionary measures and include more protective equipment.

Where can I find determined chemical injury lawyers in Orange County & beyond?

Whether you live and work in Fullerton, CA or Irvine, or in other neighboring communities, if you sustain a chemical injury, you might be qualified for workers’ compensation. This should cover 100% of your medical expenses as well as make up for the part of your lost wages. Even if your workers’ compensation claim is rejected or delayed, the tenacious work injury attorneys in Orange County can assist you in obtaining benefits.

Call us right away to arrange a cost-free, no-obligation consultation at 714.481.0338. No recovery, no cost, so you won’t be charged if our workers’ compensation attorneys in Orange County lose your case. Additionally, you can count on our legal counsel for injured construction workers, obtain maximum compensation for hand injuries, negotiate the highest value of settlement, and many more.